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Fox presents dozens of family literacy nights at schools across the country. He was instrumental in a state wide program that provided outreach to inner-city and rural audiences to develop intergenerational family literacy events. Fox has been a keynote speaker at the Illinois Family Literacy Conference. Because he believes a parent is the child's first teacher, and wants to encourage parental involvement in schools, these programs are often offered at a reduced rate in conjunction with a school visit. Please Contact Fox for more information. Follow this link for Lesson Plans related to telling family stories, family history and geneology.


Telling family stories

Each of us comes from a rich oral tradition of stories handed down from one generation to another. What? Not me, you say? Yes! They may be jokes heard at the dinner table or the funny thing that happened to Aunt Mable. Maybe it is a sad story about a pet or your first day of school. We all have a story to tell. This family oriented, participatory workshop will help us find ways to recover and pass on this deep sense of who we are and where we come from. These stories will enrich your children and draw you closer as a family. Come to listen and come to tell.


Nurturing a love of language:
Creating a home rich in love and literature

Learning truly begins at home and parents are a child's first teacher. Family stories give your child a sense of who they are and where they are going. Letters to distant relatives can bridge the gaps and bring the family closer together. In this participatory workshop you will learn ways to use storytelling, reading aloud and letter writing to build a good foundation in language development and build stronger bonds in your family.


Writing with your children

Learning truly begins at home and parents are a child's first teacher. Writing together can be a time for bonding, sharing important thoughts and feelings, and creating funny stories remembered for a lifetime. Family stories give your child a sense of who they are and where they are going. Letters to distant relatives can bridge the gaps and bring the family closer together. In this participatory workshop you will learn ways to use storytelling and creative writing to build a good foundation in language development and build stronger bonds in your family.

HISTORY... In Person

Invite history's greatest minds to your school or conference, Chautauqua or museum.

audubon1 darwin1 civilwar1
poe1 whitman1 Grimm2